Practice Exams
MCAT Practice Exams
Full Length MCAT Practice Exams-
TBR Full Exam #1
Detailed Answers
Score Breakdown
MCAT Practice Exams
Full Length MCAT Practice Exams-
TBR Full Exam #1
TBR Full Exam #2
TBR Full Exam #3
Detailed Answers
Score Breakdown
MCAT Practice Exams
Full Length MCAT Practice Exams-
TBR Full Exam #1
TBR Full Exam #2
TBR Full Exam #3
TBR Full Exam #4
TBR Full Exam #5
Detailed Answers
Score Breakdown
Scoring and Difficulty:
We currently offer 5-Full Length MCAT Practice Exams. Our full length practice exams were designed to mimic the style, difficulty, and topics tested on the current version of the MCAT. The questions that appear in TBR’s practice exams were designed specifically to NOT overlap with the AAMC Official MCAT® practice exams (#1-4) in terms of specific content tested. This is so students can take both the TBR and AAMC Official MCAT® practice exams and ensure that a larger scope of MCAT material is covered during the typical practice test campaign (~6-10 exams). We have found that in order to have exposure to enough question types and passage styles to be fully test ready, it’s extremely important for students to complete more than solely the AAMC Official MCAT® practice exams or solely the TBR practice exams.
An estimated scaled MCAT score is provided after the successful completion of each TBR practice exam. Scaled scores are excellent predictors of your current estimated MCAT score and should be used along with the AAMC Official MCAT® practice exams to predict exam readiness. Please keep in mind that individual practice MCAT scores fluctuate and should be looked at holistically over the course of your studies.
Here is an example of one of our students typical Full Length Practice Exam campaign:

Exam Activation:
Exam accounts are activated within 12 hours of purchase. Accounts are active for 16-weeks from the day of activation. Please contact us if you need your exam account extended beyond 16-weeks.
Here is a screenshot showing an example of the TBR Computer Based Test (CBT) interface once you start an exam:

When to Start Taking Practice Exams:
Before staring your first practice exam you should complete as many challenging practice problems as possible. There is a very significant correlation between the number of practice passages completed and actual MCAT score – the more passages complete, the higher the score. Challenging yourself to navigate difficult passages will allow you to actively apply information rather than passively memorize it.
After you have made significant progress though content review, aim to complete 7 to 12 full-length practice exams. Practice tests are a valuable asset and should only be taken when you are ready to get the most learning from your score. It’s important to also consider how time intensive intensive a full length exam is. As a rule of thumb, refrain from beginning your full-length exams before you’ve gone through at least 70-80% of your content review.
Carve out dedicated study time each day. Generally students spend 12-24 weeks of studying depending on their study pace. Here are three popular study guides you can use to help gauge when you should start taking full length practice exams.

A graph showing the general progress of student’s working through the MCAT problem sets in TBR’s home study review books and practice exams. Practice questions in each phase of the homework expand skill sets for all advanced MCAT topics. Students who are able to get through the majority of these harder problem sets by actively completing HW phases typically score very high on exam day.